And to know that such a venerable emporium shuts down at Christmas, well, that’s unfathomable. Large American supermarkets, it seems to me, are the very essence of democracy – where any good citizen has a fair and equal shot at a ham hock, a Twinkie, a bottle of Gatorade, a frozen pizza, a can of Franco-American Italian-looking pasta, and ice cream for the ordinary person. Look at that! There’s gefilte fish too! Likely will be the last thing on the shelf. Did you ever know how the Jews get all the breaks? Yeah, that’s an old joke.
In recent years, there was a thriving recycling business in the basement at Cala Foods. Though a scene not for the faint-hearted, Cala, open for 24 hours, was also a pit for those who had scavenged for cans, bottles. It was a scene that would make Dante weep. One older, frail Chinese lady, with a bagful of refuse, lamented to me, “After this I don’t know where we’re gonna go.”
There are innumerable, nervous denizens who are feeling lost this holiday season without the fluorescent-lit tabernacle of comestibles on the hill. Something you could count on. When Cala closed on Dec. 1 the world seemed a little more uncertain, a little more precarious.
Yes, Cala Foods will reopen in June as a Trader Joe’s, the new trendsetter in food shopping (with some very good organic ketchup, a wonderful American invention). As a gesture to the old school, I made one last purchase at Cala: that wonderful American invention called Spam. No, not the kind that shows up on your computer screens, the kind that Monty Python sang about, the kind of meat product that saved starving Europeans from the Nazi sadism. I’m keeping my Spam in case the Marshall Plan ever comes back again.
Bruce Bellingham also writes for the Marina Times. The owner of the publications, Susan Reynolds, promises to take him out for lunch this year. Her tastes are lofty. Susan will insist on Spam with Hollandaise sauce. That will be just fine. E-mail: